MSc - Master of Science - Temps Libre - TourismeFormule mixte


By attending a MSc or Master of Science, graduates, boys and girls with bachelor's degree, obtain an advanced knowledge in scientific and mathematical themes. Career opportunities post master for men and woman can affect both roles in companies, laboratories, research centers and healthcare institutions.

Graduates with bachelor's or master's degree become students of master programs in tourism and aspire to careers in the development of the artistic, architectural and cultural heritage, gastronomy, hospitality, entertainment, vacations, or want to become young men and women with a profession in the field of communication, marketing or management of tourism companies.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in blended formula  alternate lectures and study phases in remote at individual level. Students of these courses can follow part of the educational program in class and then complete with in-depth study programs through paltforms of distance learning

  • Typologie: MSc

  • Area: Temps Libre

  • CatĂ©gorie: Tourisme

  • FrĂ©quence: Formule mixte

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