MSc - Master of Science - Juridique - Imp么tFormule soir


By attending a MSc or Master of Science, graduates, boys and girls with bachelor's degree, obtain an advanced knowledge in scientific and mathematical themes. Career opportunities post master for men and woman can affect both roles in companies, laboratories, research centers and healthcare institutions.

Master programs and courses in tax law for graduates with bachelor's or master's degree in jurisprudence. For boys and girls interested in a job in the legal area, men and women already young professionals, accountants and tax experts who can decide to become students of a program of specialization of law, tax, taxes, duties and regulations.

The master programs evenings formula are attended by graduates, men, women, girls and boys who work and do not have time during the day to take lessons and then choose programs that offer the frequency in the evening and that help to complete the specialization after graduation, bachelor's or master's degree.

  • Typologie: MSc

  • Area: Juridique

  • Cat茅gorie: Imp么t

  • Fr茅quence: Formule soir

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