MSc - Master of Science - JuridiqueFormule soir, Début: 1° semestre


MSc or Master of Science is a master's degree for graduates. Students are involved from a minimum of one year up to 2 years of study including lectures, examination and realize a final project. MSc or Master of Science degree can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two.

Postgraduate master and higher education courses in legal area for graduates and young professionals with a bachelor's or master's degree in law or jurisprudence. The students of these graduate programs are boys and girls future lawyers, judges, jurists who share a passion for the law and the legal field in general.

The master programs and postgraduate courses with evenings formula are meant for graduates, young men and women who work and can take lessons in the evening only to complete their specialization after graduation, bachelor's or master's degree and become men and women with successful careers.

The first semester includes the first and second quarter of the year and master programs and postgraduate courses that begin in this period have generally start in January or February. These are paths for graduates and young professionals, men and women with bachelor's or master's degree

  • Typologie: MSc

  • Area: Juridique

  • Fréquence: Formule soir

  • Début: 1° semestre

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