MSc - Master of Science - Sciences Humaines - InterprétationA' temps plein


By attending a MSc or Master of Science, graduates, boys and girls with bachelor's degree, obtain an advanced knowledge in scientific and mathematical themes. Career opportunities post master for men and woman can affect both roles in companies, laboratories, research centers and healthcare institutions.

Master programs and courses in interpreting offer graduate in foreign languages and literature the specialization required to start the profession of interpreter. Students are usually boys and girls interested in a career related to idioms maybe less known as Chinese, Arabic, Indian or who wish to acquire a more international job profile as translators and language mediators.

The frequency of a full time master program provides for students, graduates and young professionals to follow the lessons with full-time commitment for the duration of the course and program that lasts the whole day. Usually these courses are attended by men and women who have just graduated, with bachelor's or master's degree

  • Typologie: MSc

  • Area: Sciences Humaines

  • CatĂ©gorie: InterprĂ©tation

  • FrĂ©quence: A' temps plein

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