MSc - Master of Science - Arts Cr茅atifsTemps partiel, Co没t: < 4.000 €


MSc or Master of Science is a master's degree for graduates. Students are involved from a minimum of one year up to 2 years of study including lectures, examination and realize a final project. MSc or Master of Science degree can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in creative arts are postgraduate courses for graduates interested in a career as a designer, stylist, artists, graphic designers within the visual arts, design, fashion and entertainment agency, company or at managers and professionals of entertainment sector.

Master programs part time are meant for graduates and young professionals who would like to specialize with a postgraduate course, however, do not intend to give up work. This part timeattendance is widely used by students, men and women with a career already started thanks to the lessons of half a day or a  vertical structure

Master programs with cost < 4.000 € are paths forgraduates with bachelor's or master's degree that require an investment of a few hundred to a few thousand euro. A tuition fee for the master less than four thousand euro means, for boys and girls, five hundred, a thousand, two thousand, three thousand to four thousand euro for an advanced course.

  • Typologie: MSc

  • Area: Arts Cr茅atifs

  • Fr茅quence: Temps partiel

  • Co没t: < 4.000 €

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