PGCert - Postgraduate Certificate - Marketing Y Comunicaci贸nTiempo completo, Duraci贸n: 4-6 meses


Graduates and young professionals attend a postgraduate certificate or PGCert because it is s a higher education postgraduate program that provides students with advanced knowledge at master's level but less extensive than a postgraduate diploma or master's degree. When awarded for teaching it is known as PGCE.

The best master progrmas and postgraduate courses in marketing communication aimed at graduates, young professionals, young men and women with bachelor's or master's degree and passion for communication, web, journalism, advertising, marketing, public relations who aspire to a role in companies, agencies, newspapers, publishing houses.

master program full time requires a full-time commitment for the duration of the course. It is a postgraduate course aimed at graduates, students, men and women, that can attend classes during the whole day. Usually caters to students with graduation, bachelor's or master's degree

Master programs and postgraduate courses that last from  four and six months help graduates and young professionals to complete the specialization with a phase of classroom teaching followed by a period of training or internships. They are paths that bring in a few months students to work.

  • Tipolog铆a: PGCert

  • Area: Marketing Y Comunicaci贸n

  • Frecuencia: Tiempo completo

  • Duraci贸n: 4-6 meses

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