MSc - Master of Science - Gesti贸n De EmpresasTiempo parcial, Duraci贸n: 6-30 d铆as


MSc or Master of Science is a master's degree for graduates. Students are involved from a minimum of one year up to 2 years of study including lectures, examination and realize a final project. MSc or Master of Science degree can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two.

Graduates and young professionals that follow a master's degree in executive management aspire to roles of manager of companies, rather than institutions and agencies related to public administration and non-profit organizations. Boys and girls are trained with these postgraduate programs in business management of sales, international business, trade, e-commerce and large distribution or GDO

Master programs part time are meant for graduates and young professionals who would like to specialize with a postgraduate course, however, do not intend to give up work. This part timeattendance is widely used by students, men and women with a career already started thanks to the lessons of half a day or a  vertical structure

Master programs and postgraduate courses with a duration from six to thirty days offer a specialization aimed at graduates and young professionals. Through lessons that can last up to a month, students may acquire technical skills and capabilities to improve their preparation and career.

  • Tipolog铆a: MSc

  • Area: Gesti贸n De Empresas

  • Frecuencia: Tiempo parcial

  • Duraci贸n: 6-30 d铆as

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