MSc - Master of Science - Gesti贸n De EmpresasF贸rmula mezclado, Costo: < 10.000 €


MSc or Master of Science is a master's degree for graduates. Students are involved from a minimum of one year up to 2 years of study including lectures, examination and realize a final project. MSc or Master of Science degree can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two.

Graduates and young professionals that follow a master's degree in executive management aspire to roles of manager of companies, rather than institutions and agencies related to public administration and non-profit organizations. Boys and girls are trained with these postgraduate programs in business management of sales, international business, trade, e-commerce and large distribution or GDO

Master programs and postgraduate courses in blended or mixed formula for graduates with bachelor's degree or master's degree provide part of the educational program with classroom lessons and insights through study programs in distance learning, that is connecting directly from home with pc.

Master programs with a tuition fee < 10.000 € are master'd degrees for graduates that require an investment of a few hundred up to a few thousand euro. A fee for the master of less than ten thousand euro is sustainable even for all boys and girls.

  • Tipolog铆a: MSc

  • Area: Gesti贸n De Empresas

  • Frecuencia: F贸rmula mezclado

  • Costo: < 10.000 €

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