MSc - Master of Science - Organizaci贸n De EmpresasF贸rmula mezclado, Inicio: 1掳 semestre


MSc or Master of Science is a master's degree for graduates. Students are involved from a minimum of one year up to 2 years of study including lectures, examination and realize a final project. MSc or Master of Science degree can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in company  organization for graduates, bachelor's or master's degree, and young professionals interested in a career in human resources, management, strategy, business administration. They are specialization programs for boys and girls who aspire to become men and women of success within companies, organizations and institutions.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in blended or mixed formula for graduates with bachelor's degree or master's degree provide part of the educational program with classroom lessons and insights through study programs in distance learning, that is connecting directly from home with pc.

The first semester includes the first and second quarter of the year and master programs and postgraduate courses that begin in this period have generally start in January or February. These are paths for graduates and young professionals, men and women with bachelor's or master's degree

  • Tipolog铆a: MSc

  • Area: Organizaci贸n De Empresas

  • Frecuencia: F贸rmula mezclado

  • Inicio: 1掳 semestre

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