MPhil - Master of Philosophy - Gesti贸n De Empresas - Negocios InternacionalesTiempo completo


By attending a MPhil or Master of Philosophy boys and girsl graduated can award a master's degree after several years of research and become successful men and women with career as teacher, philosopher or researcher.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in international business are programs of specialization for graduates interested in acquiring skills about organizational strategies and internationalization, innovation in emerging markets like China, India, Brazil, Russia, institutional and international relations.

The frequency of a full time master program provides for students, graduates and young professionals to follow the lessons with full-time commitment for the duration of the course and program that lasts the whole day. Usually these courses are attended by men and women who have just graduated, with bachelor's or master's degree

  • Tipolog铆a: MPhil

  • Area: Gesti贸n De Empresas

  • Categor铆a: Negocios Internacionales

  • Frecuencia: Tiempo completo

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