MPhil - Master of Philosophy - Gesti贸n De EmpresasTiempo completo, Costo: > 15.000 €


MPhil stands for Master of Philosophy and it is a master's degree awarded by universities and institutions to graduates with bachelor's degree and several years of research. It is  ofter considered as a provisional enrollment for a PhD. 

Graduates and young professionals that follow a master's degree in executive management aspire to roles of manager of companies, rather than institutions and agencies related to public administration and non-profit organizations. Boys and girls are trained with these postgraduate programs in business management of sales, international business, trade, e-commerce and large distribution or GDO

master program full time requires a full-time commitment for the duration of the course. It is a postgraduate course aimed at graduates, students, men and women, that can attend classes during the whole day. Usually caters to students with graduation, bachelor's or master's degree

Over twentyfive thousand euro is a truly remarkable price for master programs for graduates with bachelor's or master's degree and young professionals. Postgraduate programs with costs > 25.000 € are often funded by companies that want their managers to start a path of professional growth.

  • Tipolog铆a: MPhil

  • Area: Gesti贸n De Empresas

  • Frecuencia: Tiempo completo

  • Costo: > 15.000 €

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