MBA - Master of Business Administration - Gesti贸n De EmpresasTiempo parcial, Costo: 5.000 € ÷ 15.000 €


MBAs or masters of business administration are postgraduate courses for graduates and young professionals interested in a career as a manager. It is specialization paths for boys and girls, men and women who are already working but with leadership ambitions. MBA students seek expertise related to human resource management, leadership and strategic vision.

Graduates and young professionals that follow a master's degree in executive management aspire to roles of manager of companies, rather than institutions and agencies related to public administration and non-profit organizations. Boys and girls are trained with these postgraduate programs in business management of sales, international business, trade, e-commerce and large distribution or GDO

Master programs part time are meant for graduates and young professionals who would like to specialize with a postgraduate course, however, do not intend to give up work. This part timeattendance is widely used by students, men and women with a career already started thanks to the lessons of half a day or a  vertical structure

Master programs with a cost between 5.000 and 15.000 € are postgraduate couses for graduates with bachelor's and master's degree that require an investment at a reasonable price - between five thousand and fifteen thousand euro, sustainable for boys and girls interested in a career growth.

  • Tipolog铆a: MBA

  • Area: Gesti贸n De Empresas

  • Frecuencia: Tiempo parcial

  • Costo: 5.000 € ÷ 15.000 €

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