EMBA - Executive Master of Business Administration - Organizaci贸n De Empresas - Administraci贸n De EmpresasTiempo parcial


EMBA or executive master in business administration for graduates, young professionals, entrepreneurs, managers and consultants but also boys and girls who, after bachelor's or master's degree and a few years of career, wish to acquire managerial skills and leadership roles or successfully manage their own business.

Master programs in business administration are courses for graduates with bachelor's or master's degree and young professionals who aspire to roles related to business management, organization, business administration. Ideal students for these paths of specialization are boys and girls interested in professions such CEO, CFO, marketing director or human resources in companies or in the public service.

Part time is the frequency of master programs and postgraduate courses aimed at students, graduates and young professionals who want to improve their education without giving up work thanks to the lessons of half-day or part time courses with a vertical structure, with teaching in a few days a month, usually on weekends.

  • Tipolog铆a: EMBA

  • Area: Organizaci贸n De Empresas

  • Categor铆a: Administraci贸n De Empresas

  • Frecuencia: Tiempo parcial

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