Master - Organizaci贸n De EmpresasCosto: < 10.000 €


Graduates, young men and women with bachelor's or master's degree follow these postgraduate courses in company organization because interested in a management career in the field of human resources, management, strategy, business administration. These programs allow specialization to become men and women of success as manager within companies, organizations and institutions of public administration dealing with the organization of activities, from the administration budget until the quality management.

Master programs and postgraduate courses with cost < 10.000 € enclose different continuing education programs. Graduates with bachelor's or master's degree can spend from a few hundred to a few thousand euro to acquire skills and knowledge. It is always of specialization pathways with suitable tuition fee. A stake of less than ten thousand euro for the master program is economically possible for all boys and girls if they want to invest in their postgraduate training. Fees of five hundred, a thousand, two thousand, five thousand up to ten thousand euro are considered by students, young men and women, to be fair prices for a postgraduate program.

  • Area: Organizaci贸n De Empresas

  • Costo: < 10.000 €

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