Top- MSc in Apotheke Master of Science Area Medizinischen Wissenschaften


MSc or Master of Science is a postgraduate academic degree. The master program usually involves subjects related to sciences, engineering or medicine and is addressed to graduates, boys and girls with bachelor's degree. Students follow lectures, examination and realize a final project to award the MSc or Master of Science and become men and woman with a career with a scientific or mathematical profile. MSc or Master of Science degree can be course-based, research-based, or more typically a combination of the two.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in pharmacy are aimed at graduates with bachelor's or master's degree interested in deepening their knowledge in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, biological area. Boys and girls passionate about science related to human health become students of these programs for future professions as medical representatives, rather than pharmacists, laboratory analyst or researcher at research centers on developing chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical products for the cure of pathologies, diseases, dysfunctions.

  • Typologie: MSc

  • Area: Medizinischen Wissenschaften

  • Kategorie: Apotheke

// GEFUNDEN 0 MASTER [in 0 Standorte / Editions]


The International Master in business Analytics & Big Data is the 12-month programme designed to train a new generation of data-savvy professionals to be able to manage complex business analytics problems across a variety of different industries and environments

POLIMI Graduate School of Management
  • Vollzeit
  • 12
  • 20000 â‚¬
  • Abflug  Milan - Italien  - 01.10.2024

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