MRes - Master of Research - Medizinischen Wissenschaften - GesundheitVollzeit


Master of Research or MRes programs are postgraduate degrees geared to boys and girls wishing to pursue a research career. Students are required to attend one year fulltime the master's degree lessons in order to obtain specialization needed and become men and women with successful career as researchers.

Master programs and courses in public health for graduates with bachelor's or master's degree in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, psychology or boys and girls with a preparation in legal-economic area, especially if the career to which they aspire concerns roles of managers in health care facilities or hospitals or in the management of human resources and equipment.

The frequency of a full time master program provides for students, graduates and young professionals to follow the lessons with full-time commitment for the duration of the course and program that lasts the whole day. Usually these courses are attended by men and women who have just graduated, with bachelor's or master's degree

  • Typologie: MRes

  • Area: Medizinischen Wissenschaften

  • Kategorie: Gesundheit

  • Frequenz: Vollzeit

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