Master - WirtschaftswissenschaftlerStart: 1° semestre


Business - Economics is the category which includes the master prgorams in banking, finance, insurance. They are postgraduate courses for graduates and young professionals interested in a career as economists, insurers, finance managers and boasting a background of a bachelor's or master's degree with economic or marketing address. Men and women, boys and girls who attend master's degree in business - economics and banking want to improve their training and feel more inclined to not humanistic matters but especially love the numbers, mathematics, statistics.

The first semester includes the first and second quarter of the year and master degrees and postgraduate courses that begin in this period have generally start in January or February. These are paths for graduates and young professionals, men and women who, after graduation, bachelor or master degree, want to complete their education by becoming students of a postgraduate program with edition in late winter or early spring. Students, boys or girls who are usually attend these courses to fill specific gaps and then enrolled in a master's course that will start in the next semester.

  • Area: Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

  • Start: 1° semestre

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