PGCert - Postgraduate Certificate - Marketing-Kommunikation - KommunikationVollzeit


Postgraduate certificate or PGCert is a higher education postgraduate program for boys and girls graduated with bachelor's degree. This path does not require them to invest as much time as a master 's degree or a PHD. When awarded for teaching it is known as a postgraduate certificate in education or PGCE.

Master programs and postgraduate courses in communication are specialization programs for graduates with bachelor's or master's degree and passion for the art of communicating. Teachers are often men and women who work in communication or advertising agencies, press officers, writers, journalists, copywriters, event organizers, art directors and this ensures students a technical practice.

The frequency of a full time master program provides for students, graduates and young professionals to follow the lessons with full-time commitment for the duration of the course and program that lasts the whole day. Usually these courses are attended by men and women who have just graduated, with bachelor's or master's degree

  • Typologie: PGCert

  • Area: Marketing-Kommunikation

  • Kategorie: Kommunikation

  • Frequenz: Vollzeit

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